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Given the fertile creative atmosphere swirling around Tilburg, it’s no surprise that Roadburn’s home city has birthed another must-see band. If you’ve been following our plans for Roadburn Redux over the last couple of months, then you’ll know that we’re early adopters of all things Autarkh. Today, we’re proud to present their debut full length album, Form In Motion, for your listening pleasure.

In the fall of 2019 Michel Nienhuis teamed up with producer Joris Bonis (Dodecahedron, Ulsect), guitarist David Luiten and electronic composer / producer Tijnn Verbruggen to form Autarkh. The results can be heard on Form In Motion – an amalgam of extreme metal, eerie atmosphere, and an intense emotional trip.

Michel Nienhuis comments: Tomorrow we release our debut album; today we present to you the full album stream in collaboration with Roadburn. We are currently busy rehearsing the live set for our album premiere at Roadburn Redux. We have received quite a number of great responses on the album so far and it feels good to reconnect to people through music. It seems ‘Form In Motion’ is a fitting release considering the current times – the process of growth and transformation that the album deals with might as well be part of a transformation we are experiencing in this crisis. We are proud to finally present you the full scope of ‘Form In Motion’ and invite you to dive right in.”


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