France’s Temnein has unveiled its new single “The Knotted Bag,” animated music video that feels like an especially mean-spirited episode of South Park. For fans of Omnium Gatherum and Kalmah.
Says the band of “The Knotted Bag”:
“This track is a good representation of all the different inspirations that you can hear on the album: our Melodic Death Metal roots, the atmospheric influences (mostly from Doom/Death and Post-Metal) and some progressive elements, especially on the outro. The lyrics are inspired from an ancient Asian tale for children, so we created the video as if it was drawn by a child.”
Check out “The Knotted Bag” via the video below! The track will appear on Temnein’s third full-length, Tales: Of Humanity And Greed, which will see a physical release by the band on May 22nd with worldwide digital distribution by Blood Blast.
The album was produced by “El Mobo” (Loudblast, ETHS, The Great Old Ones, Eryn Non Dae, etc.) and features artwork (above) by Vincent Fouquet (Meshuggah, Kataklysm, Moonsorrow, Kampfar, etc.).