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VREID Release "Spikes of God" Music Video


Norwegian Black 'n Roll brigade VREID are now premiering a brand new song from their upcoming record 'Wild North West'. The song "Spikes of God" is streaming at the Season of Mist Youtube channel. The music video is also a chapter of the band's unique and ambitious movie project 'Wild North West'.

VREID songwriter and bass player Jarle Hváll Kvåle comments: "A new chapter from our album and movie 'Wild North West' is revealed, and it’s a vile and intense chapter. This song is absolutely one of the most brutal, dark and most in-your-face songs we have ever written. The main idea for this song came to me one dark night in March 2020. I became haunted by this theme and spent the whole night in studio finishing this track. Afterwards I have barely made any adjustments to the original demo for the song. I wanted its primal ugliness to shine through and let it live its life without any corrections. The movie for this song dives into a black hole of human history, and is an illustration of how far astray we can go if we are blinded by the faith of our own perfection."

'Wild North West' will be released on April 30th via Season of Mist

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